At Gaileith Services, we only value one thing more than the quality of our blinds and workmanship, and that's our customers experience.

There's no better way to share our values and professionalism other than through the words of our customers - so we've asked some to share their view on how we perform.

Here's what Nigel Forbes of Excel Rentals had to say:

"I thought I should write a short note of appreciation to thank you and your company for your continuing high level of service to our property management business's over the last 10 years. On a regular basis we receive, from our landlords, very favourable comments over the quality of product that you supply and your very reasonable charges for service costs. Your quotations for supply, installation services and warranty are always very competitive and we find it very easy to recommend your company when owners require, for their investment properties, fit outs, updates, repairs or specialist cleaning. Your high level of workmanship is always commented on.

As you know we need to be very flexible and respectful when completing repairs and installations in occupied rental properties and work around our tenants busy lives and we remain most thankful of your ability to work this way as well. In our property management business, where every day we are spending other people's money, we are put under the microscope by owners as they rightly so demand competitive fees, high quality of goods with fast backup warranty, if needed, and we find your company is on top at all points. We know that you can be relied on at all times.

We can, without hesitation, and with much confidence recommend your company to any of our associates and clients and am sure they will receive the same constant efficiencies as we do.

Thank you very much for your service.

Nigel Forbes, Excel Rentals - Property Management Specialists"